Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rain or Shine

Today is a rainy day. I like rainy days. I like sunny days, too. But I like rainy days. For English Composition, the students had to write different kinds of paragraphs. The following is my compare and contrast paragraph about rainy days and sunny days:


If I were to ask a friend if she preferred rainy days or sunny days, I would be surprised if she said that she preferred rainy days. It seems that so many people prefer sunny days. Sunny days are associated with brightness and usually create an atmosphere of energy and productivity. However, sunny days can offer temptation to get outside and do things that are not necessarily on the top of the priority list. Rainy days are generally thought of as dark and usually create an atmosphere of gloominess and laziness. But rainy days also offer great opportunity to accomplish indoor tasks and projects. An emotion often used when referring to sunny days is happiness. An emotion often used when referring to rainy days is sadness. But along with the happiness and energy of a sunny day come busyness and a hurried schedule. And along with the sadness and laziness of a rainy day come contemplation and reflection. Just as the earth needs sunlight for growing and becoming healthy, humans need sunlight for physical and emotional energy. And just as the earth needs rain for refreshment, humans need rainy days for peace and a change of pace. So, I have concluded that to prefer one day over the other would be to deny the amazing and necessary benefits of each.